About 606 Design


As a designer, collecting inspiration has become a daily habit for me. I have always had the idea of developing my own design inspiration website! While organizing my collection of inspiring bookmarks, I also want to share my own design works, hoping to become a source of inspiration for others as well.

About Updates

The current focus of updates includes:

  • Outstanding design works - updated regularly on a weekly basis
  • Original webpages (design + front-end development) - updated periodically
  • Design theory knowledge - updated intermittently

The entire website is primarily handled by myself, and there are plans to further enhance its functionality in the future. Therefore, the emphasis for updates remains on prioritizing quality.


I am a UI/WEB designer and I am also striving to become an excellent front-end developer!

If you would like to receive timely updates from this website or have any other suggestions, you can add me on WeChat or send email.

Welcome follow my Dribbble or Behance